Prime Minister Infinity – Canada Version Information

You can tell you have the most recent version by the version number on your start screen. You can request a new update download from here.

Updates are comprehensive. So, if you download the latest update, you get the changes included in all previous updates as well.

Known Windows problems:

We are continuing to find and fix any bugs.

  • If the abbreviations on the main map are out of alignment with the map image, Windows is probably resizing aspects of the game automatically. If you right-click on your Desktop and select Display settings, it should have a ‘Change the size of’ setting. If it isn’t set to 100%, try setting it to 100% and run the game again.
  • Norton products might have problems with the Prime Minister Infinity – Canada install file. If you use a Norton product and are having a problem, please contact us.
  • If you try to install an update and it is interrupted with an ‘Access Denied’ message to replace certain files, 1. Shut down Prime Minister Infinity before trying to update. 2. Run the install file by right-clicking and selecting ‘Run as administrator’.
  • You may have to run the game by right-clicking and selecting ‘Run as administrator’.
  • If you receive the message “Cannot create texture for ‘TCanvasD2D”, right-click the shortcut icon you use to run the game (say, on your desktop), click ‘Properties’, then click ‘Compatibility’, then select ‘Disable visual themes’, ‘Disable desktop composition’, and ‘Disable display scaling on high DPI settings’. If that does not fix the error, make sure you have the latest updates relevant to Direct X (for Vista, the second Service Pack and the Platform Update, for Windows 7 the Service Pack 1).

Known Mac problems:

  • Mac functionality to close a window instead of quit an application from the main window.
  • Sounds are not complete.
  • Images have pixelation on Retina displays.

Windows Installation Instructions

Note: the install file is comprehensive and will update your game to the latest version.

  1. Download the install file here, clicking ‘Save as’ and saving to a place like your desktop.
  2. Make sure Prime Minister Infinity – Canada is closed.
  3. Run the install file. If you are using Windows Vista or 7, right-click and select ‘Run as administrator’.
  4. When you start Prime Minister Infinity – Canada, double check it is installed by looking at the version number on the start screen. The version number should match or be higher than the most recent version number listed here.

Mac Installation Instructions

Note: the install file is comprehensive and will update your game to the latest version.

Instructions are included in the compressed (.zip) file.

Version Information

v. 3.1.1c

v. 3.1.1

v. 3.1.0

v. 3.0.7. Sneak-peek

v. 3.0.7

v. 3.0.5 Sneak-peek

v. 3.0.3b Sneak-peek

v. 3.0.2 Sneak-peek

v. 2.7.9b

v. 2.7.9

v. 2.7.8

v. 2.7.7

v. 2.6.7

v. 2.4.6

v. 2.2.2c

v. 2.2.2

v. 2.1.6

v. 2.1.0

v. 2.0.9

21 thoughts on “Prime Minister Infinity – Canada Version Information”

  1. Hi, I just bought the Canadian version and when I tried to open the game a message popped up saying that the game needs to be updated to be playable on the latest macOS. It follows with this message “The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for more information.” Is there a version that is planned that would work with the latest macOS?

    Thank you,

  2. @Nicolas,

    No, Prime Minister Infinity does not have a planned release at this time that will be compatible with recent macOSes. Your options would be a dual install with Windows or with a pre-Catalina macOS on your Mac.

  3. Hello! Someone here who played this a long time ago and wanted to get the game again. Is any old version available for purchase? And is there a ‘how to’ about how to use the campaigns that are available for download?

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