
270sims’ mission: make our society better by improving citizens’ understanding of their political systems.

270sims brings the political and cultural process alive for people of all ages, while striving to make our products stimulating, immersive, and innovative. Our software allows for excellent educational opportunities in social studies, civics, history, geography, and political science.

270sims’ games have been featured in publications from The Washington Post to The Globe and Mail and from the BBC to Slate, and have been used in elementary schools, high-schools, and universities across North America and Europe.

270sims’ first product was President Forever (2004), followed by President Forever 2008 + Primaries. Current products include President Infinity (2014-ongoing), Congress Infinity (2014-ongoing), Prime Minister Infinity – U.K. (2015-2019), and Prime Minister Infinity – Canada (2015-2019).

270sims is part of Awe-Inspiring Interactive Inc.